While I am still trying to play catch up on some messages I've received, I feel compelled to return to the present for a bit.
God has been working in my heart for some time on the issue of jealousy. I wouldn't classify myself as a jealous person in general, but every once in a while that emotion would arise in my heart. Even though I knew it was wrong I couldn't stop it from happening. Head knowledge doesn't always transfer to the heart. After all, how do you reason away emotions? Recently that feeling surfaced again, and made me feel so ugly. God finds our beauty in our hearts, and mine was not looking so good at that moment. In despair, I did what I should have done long ago. I put it in His hands. I prayed and told Him that I am not capable of changing how I react emotionally. While I can outwardly react in the correct manner, I needed Him to keep that jealousy from showing it's ugly face at all. Well, He certainly came through.
The same message that has helped me to be bold enough to share this blog with the world is the same one that caused my latest revelation. As it has been brought to my attention a few times now, God bestows giftings upon us. They, however, are not for us alone. While we may benefit from them, we are called to share them with others, in order to build them up, the outcome of which becomes another gift to us. This mentality is what convinced me that it would be selfish to keep the gifts I've received for myself. They are not mine to keep.
The other night, at 2:30 in the morning, both of my children woke up at the same time. I managed to get them to sleep easily again and crawled back into bed. I closed my eyes and all of a sudden, it hit me like running into a brick wall! Those occaional things that stir up jealousy in me, those giftings I often envy, they ARE mine! God has gifted others with these things so that I may benefit from them, so that I may be nurtured, so that I may see Him in others. All along I've been a fool. Instead of accepting these gifts from God, I have been jealous of the very things He's given to me!
I had expected that one day I would just notice I was no longer jealous, and would be able to give God credit, but He did more than that. He changed my perspective so that I have no more need for jealousy and, at the same time, reminded me of His love for me.
This is probably one of the only times I can say I'm grateful my children woke me up from a blissful sleep! It was worth it to be up for the next half hour or so just marveling at the discovery. I don't know for how long He had been preparing my heart to hear this word, or how loud He had to yell, but I am glad He is a patient and loving God that keeps trying!
This may not be a new discovery to you, but perhaps you will find another message in this revelation. Maybe it's a reminder to use your giftings and share your God moments with others, so that you may be an encouragement. Maybe it will help you to be more bold as well, knowing that you may be holding onto some one else's gift. I can guarantee you, the reward for sharing what God has done for you, or has given you, is like opening an even larger present.
In the middle of the storm...
7 years ago
Thanks for your vulnerability. There's a humility about sharing struggles and how God was faithful to respond. Very encouraging.