Yes, I had a dream about Christ coming back. I woke up with this gem on the morning of January 13, 2009. I don't even know where to start with this one. It was so full of messages, big ones and small ones. I feel it's necessary to go over the dream, but I have shortened the details so it doesn't become a novel...and hopefully doesn't deter you from coming back to read more!
I went out for an afternoon and ended up downtown Montreal, where I used to live. Crossing the street I had an encounter with an impatient man, to which I reacted very badly. Realizing this, I attempted to correct my reaction with a wave and a smile. I stopped at the foot of a big hill and felt the need to return home as I was unprepared for this outing. Turning around I saw people's faces filled with worry and I turned back to see what they were looking at. Charcoal gray clouds were rolling in fast, and so I decided to hurry. I looked again at the sky after entering a glass roofed building and saw the clouds growing at an alarming rate. There was no wind or rain, just these ominous clouds. I began to feel desperate to get home and searched for the subway entrance. I finally found it only to realize that I did not have my wallet. I decided to appeal to the ticket man's good nature. He had one, and let me through. I lingered, struggling with the need to say, "God bless you" and finally found the guts to do so. I arrived back home in the garage and noticed all sorts of people in the yard. Strangers, but they were welcome there. I also noticed the clouds breaking up, as if running from something, and just evaporating. The fear in me subsided, curiosity took over, and so I went into the yard to get a better look. I questioned a man as to whether he thought it might be Christ coming back. He said no and looked at me strangely, but I was convinced that's what was happening. Thinking this is "it," I began to feel frantic to be with my family and hold onto them, but then felt God prompting me to pray. I heard Him tell me that I had no power in this situation, he comforted me and peace returned. A bright light began to come closer in the now clear sky, like a beam, growing longer and wider. It was soft, warm, comforting and really bright. This is definitely Christ, I told myself. Almost throwing myself, I laid on the ground and reached my arms into the air (despite people's reactions and thoughts) and began singing at the top of my lungs:
"Behold He comes riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
So lift your voice it's the year of jubilee
Out of Zion's hills salvation comes"
The light then passed over us, the sky turned dark but was littered with mores stars than I could have ever imagined. A few seconds later, there was a small "poof" sound and complete darkness followed-as if the universe had disappeared. The glow of the city lights began to appear. People started discussing the event. I was still convinced Jesus has returned but others were suggesting the possibility of a meteor. I was in complete disbelief of their blindness.
It was at this point I woke up to a child who needed some TLC. It was hard to pull myself out of bed as I wanted to stay in that dream and see what happened next. The excitement, joy and peace were unexplainable. I managed to get up, but found myself with a strange feeling of fear. I kept peeking over my shoulder and around corners, checking to see if there was an intruder in the house.
The big picture: I have been over this dream many times. While I am not sure I have unveiled all of the smaller messages, the general message is obvious to me and, I am certain, not just for myself. I believe the great reminder to all of us is that we need to live as though Christ is returning. It's not a message of "we are all going to hell," but a reminder to live for our eternity, to live beyond what this earth has to offer us. A reminder of what is really important and where our eyes need to be focused. I was not ready for Christ to come back. I found myself on a journey without my wallet, a repetitive symbol in my dreams. Once again I had travelled a fair distance without being prepared. It raises questions of how we can get so far along a path we see as right, without being properly prepared. As I prayed over my dream the big hill was highlighted. I asked Jesus what that hill was and I heard, "justice." I had to turn around as I wasn't ready to climb that hill of justice.
Just as the Bible says, He will come like a thief (Revelations 16:15). We won't expect Him, but we won't be able to miss Him either. My dream began as an ordinary day, filled with ordinary tasks. I found myself in my past, so to speak, where I used to live. I feel this is a symbol of reverting back to old lives. Not necessarily forgetting about God, but more about falling back into our old life patterns. The other thing that stood out for me here is that I didn't even see how I got there. All of a sudden I was far away from "home." Far away from where my heart was suppose to be. It seemed to have "just happened." It's amazing how easily our focus can slip without us even noticing.
The smaller picture: There were many smaller themes throughout this dream as well. Many of them are aspects of how we can live our lives for Christ.
Make amends: I turned around to correct my reaction to the impatient driver. It is never to late to attempt righting wrongs, and we should always try to do so. Listen to that voice in your head that prompts you to do the right thing.
Need for the body: It was only when I saw the look of worry in the faces of others that I turned around to see the storm that was approaching. A storm that I had been facing and walking toward all along. It takes other members of Christ's body to help us see things that are happening in our own lives. We need each other.
What really matters: During my attempt to get home, what mattered most was not my safety or the things around me, but the people I love. I believe we are being reminded that people, our brothers and sisters, God's children, Christian and non Christian, are what matter on this earth. Of course, when I began to cling to my family I was reminded that I needed to cling to God above all else. That He is the one in whom I need to put my faith. When the last days come none of the rest matters, only the relationships we have had with each other and with God.
Be bold: This is a message that is aimed at my heart for sure. I know that God is calling me to be more bold. Perhaps He is doing the same for you. I hesitated to share some simple words with a stranger in fear of earthly judgement - as if that is something to fear. Then later I threw myself onto the ground singing out to our King, even though I knew people were looking at me strangely. We need to be bold. While we don't have to have an "in your face" attitude, at times we will be called to stand, share or show our faith and voice what we believe. Sometimes it may be boisterous and other times gentle.
Convictions: Don't let the views of others, especially non Christians, change what you know is true in your heart. I found myself in disbelief over people's opinions and views, and even though it seemed strange to many of them, I continued to believe with all my heart that it was in fact Christ we had seen. Don't let their disbelief affect your own faith. Of course, need I say, you should always weigh things along side God's word.
Lean on God: I felt called to pray about my need to be with my family. God actually reminded me in the midst of it to talk to Him. Call on Him and He will answer you (Jeremiah 33:3). Without Him I felt anxiety, with Him peace.
Pay attention: The sky disappeared with a little "poof." A sound so small for such a big even and one that would have gone unnoticed had I not been looking. Imagine all the things we miss in life when we walk around with our proverbial eyes closed.
Fear: While we are not to fear the things of this earth, I did wake with a horrible fear in my heart. I believe that feeling was contrasting my being in Christ's beautiful and peaceful light. Coming back to this earthly reality I think I finally got a glimpse at how evil our world really is. We get so used to this world and we no longer see the things that aren't "of God" for what they truly are. I often live in a box where I am sheltered from the lies terrible things that happen here and can easily convince myself that this life is pretty good. I will even admit that there have been times I don't even desire heaven, as I'm quite happy in my box. But, after this dream, no more. After feeling the anticipation, the excitement, the joy and peace of Christ (even if only in a dream), I look forward to the day of His return.
Sadly, the initial feelings of this dream faded as the hours passed. This is something that can happen to us all. Over time things we are so positive about, experiences we have felt, can begin to turn into doubt, disbelief or they become weaker. We need to constantly remind ourselves of God's words and promises.
May this message prompt you to take a look at your life. Have you grown complacent? Are you living with Christ's return in your heart? What does it look like for you to do that? I pray that you too may grasp the joy of heaven, the joy of meeting the One who loves us so much and the joy of spending eternity with Him. May you find His peace cover you, so that the evil in this world does not bring you fear. But may you also not forget that this is not heaven, that there is something far better.
In the middle of the storm...
7 years ago